Forged in the fires of
the American Spirit
Forged in the fires of the American Spirit
While manufacturing in America is slowly
disappearing, Wil-Ro is one of the rare
companies that are reinvesting and growing.
While manufacturing in America is slowly disappearing, Wil-Ro is one of the rare companies that are reinvesting and growing.
With new ownership in 2017, Wil-Ro is
poised to continue to build an enduring
legacy. As part of this reinvestment,
k2forma worked with the Wil-Ro team to
help redefine their message and visuals,
and launch a new digital presence.
With new ownership in 2017, Wil-Ro is poised to continue to build an enduring legacy. As part of this reinvestment, k2forma worked with the Wil-Ro team to help redefine their message and visuals, and launch a new digital presence.
Our Approach
The team at Wil-Ro is incredibly proud of the
work they do, and rightfully so – they make
high-quality truck beds that last decades and
elicit rave reviews from their customers.
Our Approach
The team at Wil-Ro is incredibly proud of the work they do, and rightfully so – they make high-quality truck beds that last decades and elicit rave reviews from their customers.
We wanted to capture this sense of pride and showcase
their team as heroes. Their hot, hard-worn hands return
daily to the place where they all band together and make
the trucks that make America work. Their spirit and
dedication is as strong and tough as their products.
We wanted to capture this sense of pride and showcase their team as heroes. Their hot, hard-worn hands return daily to the place where they all band together and make the trucks that make America work. Their spirit and dedication is as strong and tough as their products.
Out of this spirit came the messaging:
Forged in the fires of
the American Spirit.
Forged in the fires of the American Spirit.
The hub of Wil-Ro’s digital presence is their web site, with social media
and other digital activities driving traffic to the site. Storytelling was
the key element for the site..

Working with the Wil-Ro team, we developed
a site that features the stories of the
individuals, and the work they do.

Translating the brand from the digital
presence to print created even more
opportunities for telling the Wil-Ro story.
Translating the brand from the digital presence to print created even more opportunities for telling the Wil-Ro story.
Throughout all of their sales and marketing materials,
the human element is ever-present.

Added five new distribution partners, and growing
Increased site traffic and conversions by 12%
Improved employee morale and engagement
Increased sales
Added five new distribution partners, and growing
Increased site traffic and conversions by 12%
Improved employee morale and engagement
Increased sales